Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Virgin no longer

It's been just about 24 hours since the motor clicked on and the first drop of ink was punched into my right shoulder.  While still a bit tender, it looks so wicked I can hardly believe I waited till mid-way through my 49th year to get my first tattoo.

What started as a hypothetical discussion 4 years ago, days after my Open Water dive certification, has now come to it's awesome realization.  Over the last 4 years as the dives rolled by I continued to gain a more and more profound appreciation, awe really, for the life in our oceans.  I pondered whether to get a tattoo, when it would make sense, where to put it and what exactly it would be: reef scene, ship wreck, diver and flag. 

As the pictures I took underwater began to improve, the idea of basing the tattoo on something I had shot underwater began to take shape.  See some of my images here: Underwater Pics at Heresyourshot.com
Once I found the artist and decided on the time, we discussed two ideas: a reef scene with a combination of corals and fish, or perhaps a single fish or set of fish.  Reviewing some of my pictures with Uncle Pauly we ultimately decided on doing a flight of rays. 

With some sketches in hand and some last minute thoughts, what had once seemed so foreign - I never really thought of myself as a "tattoo guy" - now seemed a very natural expression of my love of diving.  Using this picture as the initial basis:

Pauly researched rays, looked at many photos, and had sketched out an awesome representation.

From first drop to completion was just a bit over 3 hours.  While it stung a bit more than I expected, the excitement and anticipation of seeing the completed work made the time fly by.  While still a bit tender and a bit red, I can't believe how great it looks after one day. 


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