Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun with PC's!!! A slight diversion from the travel life.

    Are manufacturers ever going to figure out how to build quality into their products?  HP hasn't figured it
out yet - here's a brief account of further HP personal computer hell.  In the first episode, the primary hard drive in one of our home computers failed less than a year from purchase.  After 3 weeks, half a dozen phone calls and several levels of management I still didnt' have a replacement.  Eventualy they blamed "not having that size HD" in stock - WHAT?  The eventually agreed to let me by one at a local
office supply store and send them the bill for reimbursement.  Why they didn't just send me the next avaialble size is mystifying.

    Now for the current episode.  Shut down my PC before our anniversary overnight.  The next afternoon it would not turn back on.  An hour on the phone gets me to "seems like the motherboard is dead, we'll ship you one and have a tech come out to install" since it's only 6 months old and under full warranty.  5 days later, tech installs new motherboard and nothing.  Next up is to wait for an empty box from them to pack
and ship my PC off, with 7 to 10 day turnaround time. 

    For the record, this is two mid-to-upper end HP desktop PC's each with a major system failure at less than one year, including one that resulted in $700 for a HDD recovery service to get the data off of my wife's dead drive.

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