Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cambridge MD, Tampa, Charlotte and anticipation

    It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks traveling the southeast.  A nice little overnight in Cambridge, MD to celebrate our 28th anniversay, a couple of days in Tampa for a marketing event and a customer meeting in Charlotte in the last two weeks really has me longing for the warm weather to come permanently to the mid-Atalntic.  Oh, and the completion of an undefeated championship season of 11 year old rec basketball has made for fun Saturdays.

    March 10th marked our 28th anniversary, so along with some flowers and a new Pandora bracelet I arranged for a nice little overnight at the Hyatt Resort in Cambridge, MD.  While a little on the cold and blustery side in early March, this beautiful resort is tucked just off the bay near the mouth of the Choptank River on Maryland's eastern shore.  Even with all of the development of the last decade there is still a sense that driving across the bay bridge puts you in a land of a different time.  Once past the strip malls, fastfood outlets and hotels that crowd the bridge, the land flattens out as you roll past farms and small towns and the pace of everything begins to slow.

  Pulling into the resort itself takes you past a boardwalk trail warpping around wetlands until the drive circles up to the main resort entrance.  The staff wa very courteous as we were welcomed by the valet and several front desk staff.  The automated chec-in kiosk was a bit slow but soon we were armed with two room keys and on our way.  With numerous nautical and water fowl accents the resort fits nicely into the MD eastern shore vibe.

After settling in, we enjoyed a nice appetizer and beverage in the concierge lounge which has a beautiful full picture window view overlooking the water.  The attentive staff of the lounge provided prompt service and a gracious attitude.  We then headed back to the room for a quick cleanup and then to dinner.  We opted for the Water's Edge Grill for an enjoyable late evening meal.  We were even provided a nice little anniversay present dessert.

While not able to take advantage of all of the amenities, the resort boasts a championship golf course, a spa, and a marina, plus two other restaurants.

We definitely enjoyed our stay, leaving there very relaxed.  I would definitely visit again.

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